Shipping and product costs

The product price will be as follows.

Product priceJapan’s alcohol tax + Shipping fee = Retail price

Also, when the product is shipped, you may be required to pay your own country’s customs.
(Please contact your own country’s customs regarding the amount to pay)
Details are stated in Article 3 of the terms of use.

If the product is shipped to you in a damaged state, please read the following regarding customer response.

1. ensoo

 ↓ Ship product

2. Customer

 ↓ If the product is damaged

3-1. ensoo

Only emails are possible through “Inquiries” on the ensoo homepage.

3-2. The shipping company that delivered the product to the customer

Please contact the shipping company that delivered the product to you.

 ↓ Checking your inquiry

4. Customer
After checking your inquiry, we will immediately ship only the damaged product.
*Our company will bear the costs of the product + shipping.
*As drinking vessels are crafted singly, it is impossible to send the exact same product.
 (We will send you a product that is as similar as possible. Also, we will require some time before shipping

We apologize for the inconvenience, but please respond.