How to drink sake

Sake can be drunk either cold, room temperature, or hot.

How to drink sake

Store it in a refrigerator between 5 – 10℃.
Or, cool it down with ice water before drinking.

Room temperature
Store the sake indoors, and then drink it.

Heat some water to around 80℃, transfer the sake you were storing in the fridge or elsewhere in the room into a tokkuri (sake bottle),
and submerge the tokkuri up to the neck in the water to heat it up.
(Warning: If you heat the tokkuri in boiling water at 100℃, the alcohol will begin to evaporate, and the fragrance/taste of the sake will not be as good)
Once the sake is heated to around 50℃, pour it out of the tokkuri and enjoy.

It is possible to heat it in the microwave, but it will not heat evenly.
However, this method does save time.

Some types of sake might be better suited to drinking cold, and not taste as good hot.
While some types are the opposite.
(Personally, I don’t think sweet sake is as good hot)
Everyone has different tastes, so by trying different ways of drinking sake, you’ll be able to find some you like and enjoy it more.